Sunday, September 1, 2024

President Joe Biden Lands in Coronado, Speaks at Naval Base Point Loma

Photo Credit: Chris R. Mannerino

President Joe Biden landed at Naval Air Station North Island earlier today. The President’s motorcade took him through Coronado, over the bridge and onto Naval Base Point Loma.

The President met with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom. The President delivered remarks on the Australia-United Kingdom-United States Partnership.

Photo Credit: Chris R. Mannerino


Photo Credit: Chris R. Mannerino

Photo Credit: Elsie Hammond

Photo Credit: Chris R. Mannerino


President Biden in the “Beast.” Photo Credit: Chris R. Mannerino

Press Release from

On March 13, 2023, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese of Australia, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom, and President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. of the United States announced an arrangement for Australia to acquire a conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarine (SSN) capability through the Australia-United Kingdom-United States (AUKUS) enhanced security partnership.

On September 15, 2021, our three nations embarked on an 18-month consultation period to identify the optimal pathway for Australia to acquire this capability, while setting the highest nuclear non-proliferation standard. The plan announced today will deliver on that commitment. Further, this plan will lift all three nations’ submarine industrial bases and undersea capabilities, enhancing deterrence and promoting stability in the Indo-Pacific.
Full story at


Coronado Times Staff
Coronado Times Staff
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