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Monthly Archives: July, 2016
14th Annual Sharp HospiceCare Benefit Regatta Sails Into San Diego Bay Aug. 26-27, 2016
One of the largest summer water events on San Diego Bay—the annual Sharp HospiceCare Benefit Dinner and Regatta—will be held on Friday, Aug. 26...
Beginning Salsa at Candelas this Summer
Candelas by the Bay is offering Beginner Salsa lessons this summer every other Wednesday from 6:45 - 8:00pm. The next lesson will be on July 20th.If...
No Bones About It! “The Secret Life of Pets” Is a Treat!
At the premiere showing of The Secret Life of Pets, almost every single seat in the large theater at Village Theatre was filled with...
Coronado City Manager’s Weekly Update: July 8, 2016
Each week, the City Manager’s Office provides an update that includes information on programs, services and issues within the City, as well as news,...
Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan for NASNI
The San Diego County Regional Airport Authority (Airport Authority) is preparing the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for Naval Air Station North Island...
Lamb’s to End Tenure at Gaslamp’s Horton Grand Theatre
July 7, 2016 - San Diego, CA – LAMB’S PLAYERS THEATRE has announced that after eight years as the resident company managing the Horton...
Celeste Walkup Usler (1933-2016)
Best described as thoughtful, kind, loving, caring, giving, Celeste enjoyed life to its fullest. She lived her life through Jesus’ teachings.Celeste was born on...
New Senior Pastor Arrives at St. Paul’s Methodist Church
The incoming pastor at St. Paul's United Methodist Church (UMC) surprised me when he compared our Methodist Church in Coronado to the Borrego Springs...
Aine Dwyer – Coronado’s Nationally Ranked Longboard Surfer
When sixteen year old Aine Dwyer starts her junior year at Coronado High School on August 25, 2016, she should certainly have no problem...
Old Goats Fundraiser Raises $2100 for Travis Manion Foundation
The Wounded Warrior Wolfpack basketball team narrowly defeated members of the Loews of Coronado Good Neighbor Program on June 25. In what began as...