Friday, January 10, 2025

Community Voices: Heat Crisis in Coronado Schools

I am quite pleased to read that Dr. Felix and the Governing Board of Coronado Unified School District has instituted a minimum day for students at all Coronado schools due to dangerously high temperatures on Monday and Tuesday. As a retired CUSD elementary teacher, I know first hand how hot all of the non air conditioned rooms at both Silver Strand and Village school can get on very hot days.

What does, however, concern me is that faculty and staff are being required to remain on site during this very dangerous and potentially lethal circumstance of extreme heat. Dr. Felix states that “about 237 Americans succumb to the taxing demands of heat every year.” Isn’t this reason enough to release all faculty, administration, and staff from these unsafe conditions? If it is unsafe for children, why isn’t unsafe for adults as well?

I am also concerned that if even one CUSD employee is not provided a safe and healthy work space during this heat crisis, the district is vulnerable to a California Labor Code violation and possible grievance by Coronado’s teachers and classified associations.

It just makes sense to release all students and staff during this unhealthy and unsafe heat crisis.


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