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Monthly Archives: May, 2014
Honor and Remember the Fallen This Memorial Day
Memorial Day weekend a time when most Americans are enjoying an extra day off work, spending time with friends and family, hitting the...
Community Voices: How To Resolve CUSD Deficits
Dr. Felix has repeatedly blamed LCFF for recent deficits, approved staffing cuts, and threatened our schools "will be decimated" if Prop E does...
Coronado Scribes Poetry and Prose Weekly Feature: A Wintry World by Mary Beth Dodson
We, the Coronado Scribes, consist of both professional and amateur writers. We have in common a desire to learn, by sharing our efforts and...
Community Voices: Prop E – A Grass Roots Effort
As a co-chair of the YES on Prop E campaign, I have received inquiries from time to time as to the nature of...
Community Voices: Del Mar’s School Bond Experience
Prop E is nearly identical to Del Mar's Prop CC General Obligation (GO) School Bond, which was opposed by San Diego County Taxpayers...
Community Voices: Questions of Proposition E
After reviewing the text of Proposition E several times, I have the following questions, concerns, and opinions for the School Board and the voters...
Community Voices: CUSD recognized for strong leadership
The recent article in the San Diego Union Tribune reiterates what many have known: That CUSD has benefited from strong leadership. The...