Friday, January 10, 2025

Community Voices: Prop E opponents are just trying to deceive you

I found this interesting. I hear opponents crying “mismanagement” of coronado schools but the Association of California Schools name our superintendent “SUPERINTENDENT OF THE YEAR.” (Editor’s Note: Dr. Felix was named Superintendent of the Year in 2013.) And they cry about his bonus plan but he makes less than other Superintendents with his bonus. I wish the opponents would argue facts rather than just attack.

Jeffrey Felix named Superintendent of the Year

Dr. Jeffrey Felix has been named Superintendent of the Year by the Association of California School Administrators and the San Diego County School Boards Association. The award covers 42 school districts in San Diego County and an additional 16 districts in Imperial County.

Coronado Superintendent Dr. Jeff Felix

Since 2008, Dr. Felix has been the voice of local school districts on theClassroom of the Future Foundation (CFF) Board. Jeff has played a key role on the Board of Directors by providing the perspectives of local school districts and the many challenges facing superintendents and their schools. Dr. Felix is a tech-savvy leader and understands the power of integrating technology in the educational process, which improves teaching and learning. Jeff has been a strong advocate for CFF with the other 42 superintendents throughout San Diego County and encourages them to engage with the CFF Priority programs. He has also served on the CFF Board Executive Committee for the past four years and Jeff is a great role model for other Board members.

CFF logo 10th anniversary

For more information about the Classroom of the Future Foundation, please visit our website at and learn about our 10th anniversary of the Innovation in Education Awards on May 22, 2013 at the University of San Diego, Hahn University Center.


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