Sunday, January 5, 2025

Monthly Archives: May, 2014

Community Voices: To the politicians in Sacramento re: Prop.E

Dear Sacramento Politicians and Bureaucrats..... We here in Coronado, being much smarter than ALL of you in Sacramento, DEMAND that you give us more...

Community Voices: Where Do Coronado Schools Stand?

Where Do Coronado Schools Stand? 1. California ranks 48th out of 50 states in per student funding. 2. Next school year, with the new...

Community Voices: Baseless and meritless accusations with no supporting Information

Jim Newhall posted a blog full of baseless accusations, with no back up details or supporting information what so ever. Than he locked...

PAWS Pet of the Week – Louie

Louie Louie! Handsome and unique, little Louie was found wandering the streets of Coronado. It is hard to believe that someone...