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Yearly Archives: 2013
Coronado Bike Thief Arrested
At 8:15 p.m. on Monday evening, November 18, a police officer on routine patrol noticed a man walking in the 1300 block of Orange...
Saving Mr. Banks in Coronado?
Has anyone heard if this is opening in Coronado on the 13th? Or do we have to wait for nation wide on the 20th?...
November 12-18: Series of Vandalisms Hit Coronado
Crimes Reported Burglary / Second Degree Unknown suspect(s) gained access to victim's locked vehicle and stole his property ($61,000 estimated loss). 900 block of...
City Council Directs Staff to Move Forward in Doubling Size, Programs and Operating Budget of New Senior Center
At its November 19th meeting, Coronado's City Council narrowly approved an 8,300 square foot design concept for a new senior center to replace...
View of Coronado Bridge looking from SD Central Library
Get more details on this new downtown library: https://coronadotimes.com/profiles/blogs/bridgeworthy-the-new-san-diego-102920130848
View of Coronado Bridge from SD Central Library
Get more details on this new downtown library: https://coronadotimes.com/profiles/blogs/bridgeworthy-the-new-san-diego-102920130848