Saturday, March 15, 2025

Check Out The Internship – Playing Now At Coronado Village Theatre

Official Trailer for The Internship

Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson are at it again in this feel-good summer comedy. Much like their previous movie together, Wedding Crashers, Vaughn and Wilson play a duo of best friends who, in the end, are just trying to live out their dreams.

In the movie, the pair are fired from their jobs as salesmen and are forced to take on desperate gigs in order to make ends meet. Fortunately Vaughn’s character, Billy McMahon, stumbles upon a summer intern program at Google on his hunt to find employment. Though it’s a long shot, the guys try their luck and are accepted into the summer workshop. Once at the company, all of the interns are required to split up into teams of five. Grouped with the “Outcasts” Vaughn and Wilson’s team seems like a recipe for disaster. However, the men are determined to give everything they have to the competition, even if that may not be computer skills. In the quest to find jobs, the pair learns a little about both success and failure, as well as what it means to be a part of a team. Will they be able to pull through with new jobs at Google? Pay a visit to the Coronado Village Theatre and find out!

“I thought it was super funny, the Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson duo is great just like Wedding Crashers!” said movie goer Emma Pietkiewicz. This movie is sure to leave you with sore cheeks and plenty to talk about on the ride home, it’s the perfect summer must-see.

Rating: PG-13

Length: 119 min


Kristin Lindeman

Staff Writer Intern


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