Saturday, December 14, 2024

26 rescued from charter boat south of San Diego

Source: Associated Press

SAN DIEGO — The U.S. Coast Guard says 26 people have been rescued from a charter fishing boat that was taking on water in the Pacific Ocean 15 miles south of San Diego.

Petty Officer Henry Dunphy says officials received a mayday call from the 62-foot vessel Sea Adventure II at about 1:20 a.m. Friday.

Coast Guard and San Diego harbor police went to the area near South Coronado Island and rescued the people aboard. Four crew members aided by the Coast Guard used pumps to keep the vessel afloat and get it back to port.

Phil Lobred, owner of HM Landing where the boat is docked, says the vessel hit a rock, which put a bowling ball-size hole in the hull.

Calls to Sea Adventure 80 Sportfishing Co., which operates the boat, were not immediately returned.


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