Sunday, March 9, 2025

Season Opener at Waimea Bay!! Another stunning year in paradise…

This week the bay (waimea) by my house finally got THAT LOOK, the look it gets every year about this time when the waves go away for a while and the water turns crystal clear aqua. Like one giant swimming pool. People were floating in bright pink, green, and blue rafts and rings, and several boats were anchored. It never fails to take my breath away, and I have seen a lot of beautiful beaches in my day. The water was flat enough to look and feel amazing, yet it still had that surge-y feeling where you can just float on the edge and it will take you back and forth for 5 or 6 feet in either direction…I could just lie there and daydream for hours…after a few hours of baking, floating, and swimming laps, we trudged up the sand back to the car to go home to WORK…yes, work. It is not all fun and games here in paradise,but the inspiration and feeling of timelessness lingers even amongst the daily grind upon returning home for the day. Glad Victoria’s Secret is having their sale this week. Looks like I will need more new bikinis for the summer! Yeah!!!!!!


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