Sunday, March 9, 2025

Mills Act process for historic homes comes under review

CORONADO — Changes to the way Coronado approves historic homes for a state preservation program are on the way. The state Mills Act provides tax relief to owners in the program. In return, homeowners agree to maintain their homes as historic. City officials, tourists and residents agree the city wouldn’t be nearly as quaint without its historic homes. However, the way the city implements the state program has drawn complaints from historic preservationists and property owners on the waiting list. In January, the Coronado City Council asked its Historic Resource Commission to come up with changes to Coronado’s Mills Act process, eligibility requirements, acceptable alterations and its controversial fiscal cap. At a joint meeting of the council and commission late last month, council members considered several recommendations. While the council agreed with commissioners on many changes, it directed them to make some adjustments and return with refined proposals. The council may review those adjustments as early as Oct.?20. The city processes Mills Act applications based on historic significance. After that policy was implemented about two years ago, some residents complained the council skipped some homes with high property taxes even though they signed up before others. Now commissioners are proposing the city also factor in the date homeowners applied. The council said it also agreed with commissioners who recommended that only the historic structure itself, not any additions, be granted tax relief and that minimal alterations to historic homes be allowed. Special exceptions may be made. “The council said that homes should be kept more original and unaltered, particularly along the front facade,” said city planner Ann McCaull, who added that council members may request more specific guidelines at its next meeting. Read the entire Union Tribune article here.


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