Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Sullivan Announces First Step Towards 100% Solar Coronado

Coronado’s solar company, Sullivan Solar Power, announced today the completion of the first of several local homes being retro-fitted with solar electricity panels as part of the “Coronado Going Solar Campaign,” an effort to turn the entire City to solar power. Duffy Lektorich, owner of Mako Construction, watched as crews installed his system. “As residents of Coronado, we’re blessed with sunshine year round so solar was a logical choice. The team at Sullivan was professional and I prefer hiring locally.” A recent survey by Environment California ranks the City of Coronado as 142nd among California cities with installed solar systems. With a total of 9,427 homes on the island, only 52 solar systems have been installed to date. Sullivan Solar Power’s owner, Coronado resident Dan Sullivan, expressed his vision for the city to be the 1st in the nation to be powered 100% solar electricity. “Coronado is perfectly positioned to make a statement on the national level about its energy independence,” says Sullivan. “If we were able to install panels on just 13% of one square mile of rooftops, we’d be able to power the entire city and wouldn’t be exporting money to nations that would see our demise. The roof space is there. We just need to cover it.” In order to encourage citizens toward this vision, Sullivan Solar Power has set up a discount program only for Coronado home owners. In addition to the current state and federal incentives, the company is offering a 7.5% discount if 70kW, about 20 homes, is sold by September 1st. If 100kW is sold, the discount increases to12.5%. If 150kW is sold, Sullivan promises a 17.5% discount. So far, 12.9kW is scheduled to install, with pending systems totaling 53kW. Details of the program are covered monthly at solar seminars held at the Community Center. To learn more about this and other Sullivan Solar Power projects in the area, please visit the company’s page on eCoronado, attend the Solar Community Seminar or call 858-271-7758.


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