4-week Photoshop Class for $25! I am offering another session of my photoshop class: Painting With Photoshop Transform your photos into works of art! Learn to create a painted effect with your digital photos using various tools in Photoshop. You will learn how to create traditional painted effects, pop art effects, photo restoration and more! No photoshop experience required. Please bring USB storage device to class. Tuition: $25.00 for 4 weeks Classes meet Wednesdays 6-8pm May 13-June 3 (4 week session) Room 309 @ Coronado High School To register: online: www.adulted-rop.coronado.k12.ca.us phone: 619.522.8911 walk-in: Adult Ed/ROP Office Coronado High School 650 D Avenue, Coronado, CA 92118
My Affordable Photoshop Class starts THIS Wednesday night!
Less than 1 min.