Monday, September 30, 2024
Home Blog Page 1454
Bravo has selected Coronado as the next location to film The Real Housewives of Coronado (RHOC). This is the first time Coronado (and residents) will be featured in a TV reality series. Bravo Media's VP of Production, Lirpa Sloof,...
The Coronado Historical Association has joined the current rage on imposing paid parking throughout town (Vons, Walgreens, Ferry Landing, Union Bank, etc). Plans are well advanced at CHA to begin to charge for parking. "We don't really have a...
The Navy Parachute Team not only got to jump into the Padres' 2014 home opener, but were able to participate in honoring baseball legend Jerry Coleman by fly...

Sarah the lab

Sarah is the newest kid at the Coronado Animal Care Facility. She's 14 weeks old and 17 pounds, a girl who loves life and the chance to make you giggle out loud.


Calling it a night, "swim at your own risk", now driving into the sunset.
Yard art in time for the Annual Flower Show.
A Coronado tourism video was recently featured on Click play below to see the clip.
The show must go on. And on. And on. Come the second Thursday in May, Lamb's Players Theatre will raise the curtain on a stage performance the likes of which you've probably never seen. And the length of...
I have loved the Muppets since I was a child and this movie did not change that. They are silly and funny and even though sometimes the jokes create a groan, often times they create a laugh or...