Saturday, September 14, 2024

City Manager’s Update – Dec. 21, 2018

  • Ribbon cutting held on Dec. 19 to reopen Coronado’s skate park after making it more inclusive for scooters
  • Beginning January 1, Coronado will do away with the business license tax; instead, businesses will need to pay a flat rate fee per year for a business certificate
  • City issued a preliminary report on the Dec. 6 storm and it can be found online
  • Spreckels Center remains closed due to storm damage and many programs have been relocated to Community Center; a re-design of storm drain system for building is in the works
  • City is upgrading broadcast equipment in Council Chambers which will dramatically improve the quality of live broadcasts
  • Cynthia Smith will be interim Director of Library Services after Christian Esquevin’s retirement until a permanent replacement is found
  • CA min wage will increase on Jan 1 to $12 an hour which will may affect the cost of some of Coronado’s recreation programs
  • An estimated 500 people participated in the annual Ride the Lights bike event on Dec. 16
  • The city removed 3 of 4 high risk trees in Spreckels Park, with the final tree to be removed next week
  • improvements to pump station at Ferry Landing will begin soon
  • City Council and Cultural Arts will hold a special meeting on Jan 8 and the public is invited at 4pm for a social hour to highlight local authors and artists

Each week, the City Manager’s Office provides an update that includes information on programs, services and issues within the City, as well as news, project updates and follow-up information when necessary.

Get up to speed on what’s going on in Coronado with this video preview of the latest edition of the Coronado City Manager’s Weekly Update, as well as a sampling of the updates below. Read the full update on the City’s website.

Business License Certificate Deadline: Beginning January 1, the City of Coronado will no longer have a Business Licenses Tax. A minimal-cost Business Certificate is taking its place. The cost will be reduced to a $25 per year flat fee, plus a $4 state fee. The certificate and fees are required to be renewed by January 1 of each year. There is a penalty of $50 imposed for those who do not apply for and receive their business certificates. About 500 businesses already have their certificates, however, approximately 1,700 businesses have not yet applied for the business certificate. Avoid the penalty. A full copy of Title 13 of the City’s Municipal Code is available on the City of Coronado website.

Minimum Wage Increase: California’s minimum wage will increase in January. As of Jan. 1, the minimum wage in California is $11 an hour for businesses with 25 employees or less, and $12 an hour for employers with 26 employees or more. The City’s minimum wage will be $12 per hour. As a result, the City will consider fee adjustments to some Recreation programs that are staffed with seasonal workers to reflect the increase.

Notice of Upcoming Construction: A contractor will soon begin making improvements to the Transbay Pump Station at the Ferry Landing Marketplace, 1275 First St. The project includes the replacement of existing pump station components, pipes within and around the station, and relining of the storage area used to hold sewage before it is pumped across San Diego Bay. The contractor is scheduled to mark out the utilities next week at the pump station and will begin onsite work on January 2. The first week of work will include installing storm water best management practices and erecting an 8-foot construction fence around the site with a sound curtain to lessen the noise impacts. 


See the complete City Manager’s Weekly Update, visit the city’s website.

Managing Editor
Managing Editor
Originally from upstate New York, Dani Schwartz has lived in Coronado since 1996. She is happy to call Coronado home and to have raised her children here. In her free time she enjoys reading, exercising, trying new restaurants, and just walking her dog around the "island." Have news to share? Send tips or story ideas to: [email protected]

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