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Monthly Archives: July, 2020
New Era Window Cleaning (Video)
"Helping Friends See A Brighter World"
With decades of experience, New Era Window Cleaning provide clients with high quality detailed window cleaning. Services are offered...
Whitney Benzian Encourages You to “Wear Your Mask” (Video)
Due to increased outbreaks of COVID-19 in California, Governor Gavin Newsom reissued a statewide order to wear facemasks in public settings.Visual Storyteller Brad Willis...
“Task Force One Navy” Established to Combat Discrimination in the Navy
The Navy stood up a special task force June 30, to address the issues of racism, sexism and other destructive biases and their impact...
Vets for Elders to Expand into Coronado
Vets For Elders’ mission is to provide a supporting hand and added value to two critical segments of our society that are falling through...
SANDAG Denies Coronado’s Appeal to Limit 1,001 New Housing Units
In January 2020, the San Diego Association of Governments distributed its allocation of planned housing units under the regional housing needs assessment (RHNA) to...
Coronado Resident Virginia Nelson Joins USD Board of Trustees
Four new members — Jon Balousek, Sue Cunningham, Virginia Nelson and Alan Schulman — were elected to the University of San Diego (USD) Board...