Friday, March 14, 2025

Memorial Day in Star Park, May 27

Last year, Memorial Day ceremonies at Star Park drew an impressive crowd. Here, from left, are Moki Martin, Emil Reutzel, Bill Lipman, Irish Flynn and Dennis McCormick, preparing to lay a wreath in honor of fallen UDT and SEAL comrades. There was not a dry eye in the place. Photo by Joe Ditler.

CORONADO — Memorial Day is a time to remember, a time to honor our soldiers and sailors. This year, services will take place on Monday, May 27, at Coronado’s Star Park. Each year, Coronado Post 2422 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, hosts this emotional Memorial Day salute to our fallen military. Fittingly, those in attendance grow in number each year.

Memorial Day services are attended by hundreds of Coronado residents, whether directly or indirectly affected by tragedy or loss. Everyone is encouraged to attend, to help us remember those who died in the service of their nation, and to show their support.

As in years past, there will be a Presentation of Colors, keynote speakers, Taps, and singing of the National Anthem. Representatives from all branches of the military will be present.

Memorial Day ceremonies begin at 10 a.m. and last about an hour. Seniors and disabled are advised to arrive early to take advantage of the limited seating available. Once again, area Scouts will hand out small American flags to those in attendance. Families are encouraged to bring younger children, and to wave your flags proudly.

Parking is available on adjacent streets to Star Park. Many, however, choose to walk or ride a bike.

Coronado VFW Post 2422, while being the primary sponsor and organizer of this event, annually receives support from other major sponsors such as the United States Navy League, Coronado City Council and the Military Officers’ Association of America (Silver Strand Chapter).

Following the Star Park gathering the public is invited for light refreshments at VFW headquarters (557 Orange Avenue). For more information on the Coronado VFW Memorial Services on May 27, contact Michael Turner at (619) 865-4809 or [email protected].


Joe Ditler
Joe Ditler
Joe Ditler is a professional writer, publicist and Coronado historian. Formerly a writer with the Los Angeles Times, he has been published in magazines and newspapers throughout North America and Europe. He also owns Part-Time PR (a subsidiary of Schooner or Later Promotions), specializing in helping Coronado businesses reach larger audiences with well-placed public relations throughout the greater San Diego County. He writes obituaries and living-obituaries under the cover "Coronado Storyteller,” capturing precious stories of our friends, neighbors, veterans and community stalwarts. To find out more, write or call [email protected], or (619) 742-1034.

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