Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Community Voices: To the politicians in Sacramento re: Prop.E

Dear Sacramento Politicians and Bureaucrats…..

We here in Coronado, being much smarter than ALL of you in Sacramento, DEMAND that you give us more money for our kids. We are unable to properly teach our students with the tax money that you are returning to us, even though we claim to have the top schools/staff/administrators. We know that you’ll be taking some of our money to give to school districts that need help educating non-English speakers, foster kids and high-needs students; but that is NO excuse. Now we are forced to ask ALL of the property owners in Coronado to pay extra for educating our school children. Even though most of their parents are wealthy and can afford to donate enough to cover the budget gap, we are going to ask ALL to pay for the kid’s education. We feel we are a “privileged” elite in Coronado and we deserve getting a better education than the rest of California. We will do whatever is in our power, except live within our budget, to right the wrong done to us in Sacramento and to remain ABOVE all of the other “normal” students in California. Our Coronado politicians and administrators have determined the LCFF was a dumb idea, even though it passed with a large bi-partisan majority of the Senate and Assembly. In closing, we are determined to remain “better” and smarter than everyone else in California even though the plan of LCFF was to “level the playing field”. Thank you.


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