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Yearly Archives: 2013
CHS Tennis: Balfour & Smith Defeat Cathedral Catholic’s #1 Doubles Team
Pictured are Marie Balfour and Madison Smith, CHS's own #1 doubles team and proud CHS Head Tennis Coach Rob Moore following their win at...
Residential Reporter: Coronado Senior Center – Your Opinion Needed Now
The city is moving forward with the planning and design of a new senior center on the site of the present facility that...
Community Voices: Additional Resident Input on the Size and Cost of the Proposed Enlarged Senior Center is Needed
I would like to draw readers' attention to information in two articles that appear on the Coronado Can website that address the proposed...
11-12-13 Savings Event at BE Polished
Please join us at BE Polished for fun savings and posh pampering, Tuesday, November 12th from 10 am to 6 pm. $11 Off...