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Monthly Archives: September, 2013
family on beach_20″LE
had a bit of fun with my filters and some long exposure shots. i like the ghosting and the effect that makes it appear...
family on beach_20″LE
had a bit of fun with my filters and some long exposure shots. i like the ghosting and the effect that makes it appear...
family on beach_20″LE
had a bit of fun with my filters and some long exposure shots. i like the ghosting and the effect that makes it appear...
Words from a grieving widow
By Sarah Smiley and Theresa Jones, Special to the BDN (Bangor Daily News) I regretted last week's column as soon as it was...
Community Speaks Out on Residential Development
A new home under construction on a Country Club Lane lot previously occupied by a single-story ranch house. Many in Coronado fear...
Bridge Update: Coronado Bridge now open both directions
Update: The bridge is now open in both directions. Due to police action on the San Diego - Coronado Bay Bridge, Coronado Police,...
Medicare is Changing — Do you have questions about Medicare?
The Gensler Group is hosting a Medicare round table on Thursday, October 17, 2013 10:00...
Dan McGeorge Gallery Designated “Spot of Beauty”
The Dan McGeorge Gallery has been designated a "Spot of Beauty" by the Bridge and Bay Garden Club of Coronado. Marilyn Williams presented...
Buy Some Tasty Treats Tonight from CHS Students to Support Goal 100
Visit the Coronado High School ASB and NHS (National Honor Society) bake sale tonight at the Islander football game to support GOAL 100....
Community Voices: The Circus Tent Has Pulled Up Stakes… Til Next Year
Yesterday afternoon, I escaped from the monotony of my computer and household chores, for a leisurely walk on our beach. It was a bit...