Mystery Photo Contest – Image #2
Yeah! We finally have a winner! See the answer on page 2 of the comments below:
My name is Victoria Freeman and I’m a photographer here in Coronado. I enjoy photographing kids, families and weddings, but I also love architecture and places. Coronado has many interesting architectural and decorative features on it’s homes and businesses, so I thought I might be fun to take some pictures and get people out to look around and see if you can find them. So, the question is, can you identify where the above mystery photo was taken?
We got a lot of comments on how fun it was and how much everyone enjoyed it…so we’re continuing the contest.
Thanks to everyone that played along and guessed, and thanks again to for donating the first prize.
Another shout out to the businesses on Coronado – we have a few companies jumping on board to donate prizes (thank you)…but we could sure use a few more. T-shirts, a meal, tickets, dessert, hotel rooms (hey, gotta ask, right?), etc. Great PR for your company, not to mention appreciative Coronado residents/photo hunters. So get on board and notify us today of your prize.
Good Luck everyone and again, thanks for playing!
(If you are a local business and want to donate a prize, contact me: [email protected])
Prize (Sponsored by University Blanket & Flag):
The winner of the Mystery Photo Contest Image # 2 receives an official City of Coronado flag, courtesy of University Blanket & Flag – a wonderful family-owned business located at 1111 Orange Ave #C. We know the winner will display it proudly in front of their home!
Have fun!