Friday, March 14, 2025

Coronado Mystery Photo Contest #1 (Answer: 420 C Avenue)

Hi Everyone!

Thanks so much for playing along with our game.

We got 19 responses from people with a guess.

Almost everyone got it right. (except 2)

And the winner is….Heidi Lee.

Heidi wrote this response:

What a fun question! Didn’t see when you posted this, but the kids and I hopped on our bikes and took off. I knew where it was, just not the address. They thought this was a blast! Great idea! Address is 420 C Avenue.

Congratulations Heidi for sending in the correct address first and I’m so glad that everyone is finding this fun.

The house where this is located is at 420 C Avenue.

Stay tuned everyone, next image is coming on Sunday and will be featured in the newsletter! You can also click here to see all the photo contests.


Can you guess where this photo is taken? Deadline for your submission on “photo #1” is 9/20/11 at 11:59pm PST.

MYSTERY PHOTO #1 (420 C Avenue)

My name is Victoria Freeman and I’m a photographer here in Coronado. I enjoy photographing kids, families and weddings, but I also love architecture and places. Coronado has many interesting architectural and decorative features on it’s homes and businesses, so I thought I might be fun to take some pictures and get people out to look around and see if you can find them.

This first image is a test. We’re going to put this one out there and see what kind of respond we get. If we get a lot of interest, I’ll put up an image once a week.

The first person that guesses the location of the photo correctly wins an 92118 T-shirt and sticker, kindly offered by Deadline for your submission on “photo #1” is 9/20/11 at 11:59pm PST. If we continue the contest (based on interest), we are hoping to get other businesses to join in on the fun and offer a little something to people that guess the mystery photo correctly. (hint, hint…to the businesses on the island. Email me if you can part with a little something for the folks of your community. Great PR for you too!)

If you have a guess, please email me directly at [email protected]. Also, please note, if the architectural or decorative detail is on your home or business, or on a business you work at, PLEASE don’t send in a guess. Please allow others to have a chance at it. Once I get an email with the correct guess I will post the winner and the answer to the ‘mystery photo’.

So come on Coronado, let’s have some fun. Grab your bike or go for a walk and look around at this beautiful island you live on. See if you can guess where on the island this photo is taken.

Good Luck!



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