Saturday, March 8, 2025

Ganosh Gourmet Gathers Goodies for G.I.s

“Afghanistan has a huge rodent problem. Rodents are not the worse part as they attract deadly large king cobra snakes. Yes, we frequently find snakes in our tents. That is a huge problem.” Those words got my attention, as they were written in a recent email from one of the soldiers who used to serve with me, and is now a chaplain in Afghanistan. He went on to write that there are many small bases with no px or bx facilities, and that the facilites operated by the European forces are very expensive. He and the other chaplains have a “free-x” where soldiers can come and get basic toiletries, snacks, books and magazines, socks, and other basic items for free.

My family and friends sent me a package every week that I was deployed, and my soldiers loved sharing those goodies. At Christmas 2008, my mother wrote a letter to the Eagle about soldiers who hadn’t received any mail, and over 40 packages were sent from Coronado residents to soldiers in my unit.

Because so many people enjoyed my cooking efforts while deployed, I started my little food delivery business when I returned home to Coronado. I can’t forget that there are still many of our loved ones in harm’s way, and that they appreciate packages and food from home so much. I will be paying packing and postage for any of my customers who put out bags of non-breakable new toiletries, new white tube socks, athlete’s foot cream, flavor packets for water, items for female soldiers, non-perishable food items like beef jerky and jelly beans, and books and magazines, new or used. Holiday decorations and homemade food that are compact and non-breakable and of all traditions are also appreciated. I will pick up bags when I deliver food to customers. If anyone wants names of soldiers who need packages sent, let me know and I will solicit a list from my contacts. My contact information is [email protected] or 619-823-4701.


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