Sunday, March 16, 2025

Looking for Business & Industry Leaders to serve as Advisors for Coronado High School Career Technical Education/ROP Programs and Enrichment Clubs

In an effort to address the need for education to better prepare students for successful entry into the workplace, the Coronado Career Technical Education/Regional Occupational Program (ROP) is holding its annual program advisory meetings. The goal of these meetings is to meet an annual state requirement by bringing industry leaders together with ROP educators to review and approve course curriculum. Industry representatives provide valuable input to our programs on the content and quality of course outlines and competencies. Your participation as an advisor is essential in maintaining the high standards we set for our courses. Our annual advisory meeting will be held at 3:00pm on Thursday, December 10th at Coronado High School, Multi-Purpose Room, Bldg 400, 650 D Avenue, Coronado, CA 92118. If you are unable to participate as an advisory representative, additional opportunities exist for community members with expertise in one of the following industries to work directly with CHS students and staff. We strongly believe that by tapping into the vast technical resources within our community, we can create partnerships that will enhance and impact the academic courses and clubs on our campus. We are looking for business and industry representatives for the following courses: Robotics/Engineering Multi-media production Animation Video Production Broadcast Journalism Computer Graphic Design Digital Photography MIDI/Audio Technology Sports Medicine Furniture Manufacturing & Finishing Musical Theatre Performer, Dance & Vocal Music Culinary Arts We hope you will be able to make time to participate and thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this invitation in advance. Please contact our office at 619-522-8911 if you have questions regarding these unique opportunities to contribute to the instructional program at Coronado High School. RSVP to: Karen Hayden with your contact information, by email at [email protected] or (619) 522-8967 by Friday, November 13, 2009. Sincerely, Karl Mueller


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