Sunday, March 9, 2025

Coronado City Manager Update: 08-14-09

City Manager Mark Ochenduszko update: CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE Golf Course Advisory Committee: The Golf Course Advisory Committee met again to discuss the rate structure. The Committee reviewed sample rate structures and under what scenarios they would be able to meet the Golf Course’s future capital needs. It is anticipated that staff will bring the new rate structure forward for Council’s consideration at its September 1 meeting. Ad-Hoc Bicycle Committee: The City of Coronado is soliciting residents to serve on a five to seven member Ad-Hoc Bicycle Committee. Committee members will be appointed by the City Council and will direct the development of the City’s Bicycle Master Plan. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Business Improvement District (BID) Committee Interviews of Prospective Consultants: The BID Subcommittee conducted interviews of three firms that had submitted proposals to assist with the possible development of a BID or other financing mechanism to conduct business promotion. The Subcommittee was unanimous in its decision to negotiate a final agreement with New City America, Inc. The Subcommittee will hold its first meeting with the consultant firm on August 27. Transient Occupancy Tax Results (TOT) for FY 2008-09: [Appears as separate article in CCS] COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building Division Activity: During the period August 6 through August 12, the Building Division issued a total of 13 permits and conducted a total of 49 inspections, including 15 final inspections. The total valuation on which building permits were based during this period is $27,337.00. Real Estate Signs and Public Rights-of-Way Violations: In response to recent complaints, staff conducted a real estate sign sweep of all the City of Coronado’s public rights-of-way (PROW) in the village last Saturday and Sunday. Approximately 31 portable “open house” and “for sale” real estate signs were found in the PROW, in violation of the Coronado Municipal Code. Staff called and informed those realtors whose signs were found in violation of the Code that they could pick up their signs at the Public Services yard during regular business hours on Tuesday. Grand Caribe Isle South: On Thursday, staff attended a meeting with Port District staff and the Coronado Cays Homeowners Association Grand Caribe Isle Subcommittee where the history of the Grand Caribe Isle South site was discussed as well as the details of this site being proposed as a biological mitigation site for the National City Marine Terminal Wharf Extension project. The project requires an Environmental Impact Report, which is expected to be released in the fall. The use of Grand Caribe Isle South as a mitigation site will require a Land Use Designation change from its current Commercial Recreation designation to Wetlands. The Subcommittee expressed its support of the land use re-designation and desire to coordinate with the Port on the design of the mitigation site to ensure public access is maintained. The Port committed to meeting with the Subcommittee on conceptual designs; however, it is not clear how much public access can be maintained given the eelgrass (subtidal) mitigation requirements associated with the project. ENGINEERING & PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Bike Path Rehabilitation: The pre-bid meeting was held with no significant questions asked regarding the plans. There are 17 plan holders to date and the bid opening remains August 19. Animal Care Facility: Steel beams and columns have been installed and the roof framing is proceeding quickly. The completion of the fire line and stormwater retention and filtering components will be installed next week. This will allow completion of the property line wall. Police Building HVAC Upgrade: The contractor received replacements for the originally installed parts that were found to be defective (the defective parts have delayed completion of the project). The new parts have been installed and the contractor is completing the testing and balancing report. A final walk-through is anticipated in the next two weeks. Tennis Center Project: Plans have gone through the initial plan check and will be delivered to the City for bidding by early September. Cays Tennis Courts Lighting Upgrade and Resurfacing: The project is currently being advertised with a bid opening on August 27. To date six contractors have picked up plans. Skate Park Enclosure: A kick-off meeting with the architect was held on Monday. This project will enclose and secure the check-in area. FIRE SERVICES Training: Fire crews continued zone-wide high-rise training at the Heartland Training Facility in El Cajon. Division Chief Ed Hadfield and chief officers from other local fire departments provided the instruction. Beach Lifeguards: This week, Lifeguards performed 29 ocean rescues and 20 medical aids, two of which required ambulance transport. Today concludes the Surf Awareness and Junior Lifeguard programs for the 2009 season. Approximately 250 children/teens took advantage of the program this year. Emergency Responses: Last week, Coronado Fire units responded to 45 incidents in Coronado: 36 emergency medical incidents, 2 traffic accidents, 1 call for public assistance, 2 incidents dispatched and cancelled en route, and 3 false alarms. There was a total of 46 incidents including mutual/automatic aid and North Island responses. LIBRARY SERVICES Library Board: The Library Board of Trustees held their regular meeting on Tuesday, joined by Mayor Tanaka. The Board approved an agreement for a coffee cart concession with a new concessionaire, Cathy McKenna. Cathy has purchased the coffee cart from the former concessionaire, Chelsea Grant. The Library Board also reviewed strategic planning options and a variety of strategic plans from various types of public libraries; this agenda item is expected to be an ongoing topic. The Library Board has elected Jim Cahill for a second term as President and Robin Franck for a second term as Executive Secretary. POLICE SERVICES Arrests: Coronado Police, with Federal and other local law enforcement agencies, conducted an investigation into an Internet posting of threats toward schools in Coronado and San Diego. The posting was removed and the suspect identified. He was arrested last Friday on local charges. On Wednesday, he was transferred to Federal custody and charged with transmitting threatening communications in interstate commerce. Coronado Police Detectives obtained a warrant and, with assistance from the San Diego Police Department, arrested a man for felony domestic violence and false imprisonment of a Coronado resident. On Wednesday, Coronado Police Officers identified, and subsequently arrested, a Coronado man for stealing a bicycle from in front of the Library. Return of Police Services Officer: Coronado Police Services Officer Chris Bellini returned from a 12-month deployment to Kuwait with the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve. PUBLIC SERVICES Community Center Bollard Installation: Streets Division crew members completed the installation of six permanent bollards and one removable bollard in front of the Hubbell Fountain at the Community Center. Orange Avenue: New American flags were installed along Orange Avenue by Facilities Division staff. Senior Center Upgrades: A new heating and air-conditioning system was installed in the main game room of the Senior Center. RECREATION Summer Entertainment Series: The Recreation Department hosted 150 spectators for San Diego Zoo’s Dr. Zoolittle on Wednesday, August 12, at the Community Center as part of the Summer Entertainment Series. Summer Enrollment: As the summer comes to a close, so do Recreation’s summer camps. Approximately 4,800 participants joined in the fun this summer. Next week is the last week of camps.


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