So, the meter, that had no parking space to feed it, suffered a quick and sudden death! In amazingly quick action the city removed the meter from its perch. It might have been the result of my humorous comment yesterday, or, of course ‘for poor performance’. I am sure the now lonely meter will lose the reminder that it once was a twin in due course.
The city has also reduced the sign posts by one. In continued swift action by them to improve the Rotary Plaza improvements, the “Orange Ave.-Park Place” sign now crowns the pole with the ill placed “One Way” arrow and the pole it sat on has been removed.
New Placement Of Yield Sign Somewhat disturbing is the new placement of the yield sign in the Isabella to Park Place connector. which was the subject of prior correspondence between myself and the city engineer?! It went sort of like this: Myself: The Yield sign pole is obstructing wheelchair passage, perhaps it should be moved closer to the curb.
Before a response was received: Myself: Sorry, I made a mistake, I spoke to a traffic engineer and he told me that my suggestion was bad, because of the very sharp turn, large trucks and emergency vehicles would jump the curb and it would not last long, causing damage to city property and the vehicle that collided with the sign. The decorative lamp post would lend itself to place the Yield sign into the line of sight of the approaching motorist and eliminate that post! I illustrated it with the ‘photoshopped’ picture below. (It also shows the old location of the Orange Ave. Park Place Street sign behind the truck)
City Engineer: Thank you for your suggestion, we will place it closer to the curb! Myself: Are you sure? It does not make sense, look at this original photo! There are also many tire tracks on the sidewalk!
Result: THE YIELD SIGN HAS BEEN MOVED TO THE CURB!! The spot where they drilled the hole for the post has tire marks on it!
It is now exactly at the spot of the outer rear wheel of the truck above! COMMON SENSE?? More improvements are scheduled! Since the Keystone engineers were very quick to remove the meter after I pointed it out, I will give them a new item to ponder. Here it goes: All the motorists who received citations for expired meters in the Isabella Median could fight that ticket with a very high probability of success!” Now, lets see how long it takes them to, a.) Find the problem b.) Correct it! Having raised the degree of difficulty (I did not supply the answer) this may take a little longer. In any case, absent any action, I will give them, and you, the answer! If you received a parking citation in the Isabella median, and have not paid that ticket yet, WAIT! I’ll give you the reason next Tuesday! Heinz Steiner