A student film created by Micah Minor, a CHS student. Ross is a freshman whom is frequently picked on by his fellow classmates....

Welcome to the Coronado Ferry Landing!

As you step off the ferry, enjoy more than 20 eclectic shops, fine dining and casual eateries!

View from the Coronado Ferry Landing

California Spirit sails in the bay, what a glorious view

Coronado San Diego Bay Ferry

Commuter and Passenger Ferry runs daily, no charge for bicycles, no pets please

Coronado Ferry Landing

Located at 1201 First Street at B Avenue in Coronado, what a welcoming view...

izzy swim

Me and my dog Izzy at dog beach

Carbon monoxide leak hospitalizes 22 in Coronado

CORONADO — Twenty-two people were hospitalized Friday morning for carbon monoxide exposure after two children fainted at a Coronado church, officials said. The...

15 Sickened at Coronado Church

Update: Carbon monoxide leak hospitalizes 22 in Coronado Paramedics are treating students and adults outside a church in Coronado after they became ill...

Concert on Sunday: BREEZ’N

Come on down to Spreckels Park on Sunday at 6pm to hear BREEZ'N. Bring family, friends and food as you enjoy a wonderful night...


Hotel Del & jet ski from beach at North Island