Commercial from 1949 Featuring Coronado

Check out the 22 second mark and 1:11 to see glimpses of Coronado. You can see Orange Avenue, Cars crossing on the ferry and...

Commercial from 1949 Featuring Coronado

Check out the 22 second mark and 1:11 to see glimpses of Coronado. You can see Orange Avenue, Cars crossing on the ferry and...

Coronado Wedding at Ferry Landing

Highlights video montage of Kerry & Brett's wedding ceremony in beautiful Centennial Park in Coronado, San Diego...Music By Cold Play

Coronado Featured on the Today Show (Video)!

We have been getting lots of requests to post this video that aired on the Today Show. Coronado takes center stage around the...

Nimitz Strike Group Set To Deploy

Source: Navy Compass By Commander, U.S. Third Fleet, Public Affairs Office SAN DIEGO — The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group (CSG), including the...

Al Martino Spanish Eyes

Spanish Eyes

Grant Pecoff Coronado Bridge Painting (Stephen Clayton Galleries)

I was walking around Coronado's Ferry Landing when a beautiful painting caught my eye at Stephen Clayton Galleries: Grant Pecoff writes: I...

Coronado Concerts in the Park: Basque Country Cuisine Culinary Challenge

Alec & Nina chose Basque Country cuisine as our culinary theme of the week. They visited the region a few years ago and have...

MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACKING. An introspective look back to the Bush Years.

Of all the erroneous decisions that George Bush made in his eight years, his most disastrous decision was to make Colin Powel the Secretary...

Joseph J. DiGangi 1914-2009 – “NY Yankee Knew Ruth, Gehrig and...

Joe DiGangi, former member of the New York Yankees' legendary 1933 team. Photo by Joe Ditler. Joseph J. DiGangi "NY Yankee Knew...