Yogurt Escape eCoronado.com Member Nite

Who is excited about the new t-shirts and Yogurt Escape...this guy!

Yogurt Escape eCoronado.com Member Nite

Another happy member! Thanks for coming Stephen K!

FREE Coronado Solar Community Seminar Saturday 10/24

FREE Solar Community Seminar tomorrow, October 24th. The presentation will go over how solar works, rebates and incentives that are available, financing, your individual...

leaf on fence 2

Walk way by golf course, heading toward bridge.

Harvest Hoedown 2009

Here comes trouble...

Yogurt Escape eCoronado.com Member Nite

It was great to see members and new friends at the event.

Yogurt Escape eCoronado.com Member Nite

It was packed and standing room only at times.