Friday, March 14, 2025

Anne and Rick Wilcoxon – Emerald Keepers of the Month

Five or six times a week, Coronado residents and Emerald Keepers Anne and Rick Wilcoxon can be found along Ocean Boulevard or on either end of the beach collecting trash. They have owned a home in Coronado since 2001, but didn’t make Coronado their permanent home until four years ago when they moved from Napa County in Northern California and Las Vegas.

Anne and Rick Wilcoxon It’s little wonder that they both are passionate about keeping their hometown beach clean. Rick first became involved with picking up trash four years ago when he joined the Coronado Rotary Club and participated in their monthly beachcombing cleanup.

Anne’s legacy is all about Coronado. Both sets of her grandparents lived here. Her maternal grandmother first came to the island in 1912 to Tent City, and along with Anne’s great-grandparents, owned the first dry goods store in town. Her paternal grandfather was the architect who designed the Spreckels Park bandstand. Anne’s mother and aunt were born here, and Anne lived here until the early ’70s.

According the to Wilcoxons, chip bags, cigarette butts, and plastic water bottle tops are the most frequently found items. “Anybody can do it,” said Anne. Their best and most surprising find was two rolled up $20 bills.

Congratulations to Rick and Anne Wilcoxon for being Emerald Keepers of the Month!

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