Friday, March 14, 2025

Community Voices: Property Taxes and School Funding Regarding Prop E

I am writing to clear up some confusion that has been evident in some of the recent letters to regarding our property taxes and the funding of our local schools. When we in Coronado pay our annual property tax bills, there is virtually no relationship between the assessed values of our homes and how much money actually ends up funding our local school district. Under current law, only 8 cents of every Prop 13 tax dollar that we pay stays in Coronado. The remaining 92 cents of every dollar is distributed around San Diego County and the State of California.

Recently, our California State Assembly saw fit to change the state funding formula for school districts in a way that devastates Coronado schools. The result of this new school funding formula is that our Coronado Unified School District will be required to cut important programs in math, science, technology and the arts, as well as further increase class sizes that are already, in the opinion of this parent and many other parents and staff members in our district, too large. We simply cannot allow that to happen if we want to continue to produce graduates who will succeed in this 21st century world.

The question I have for this community is the following: Are we going to continue to let someone else dictate the quality of our neighborhood schools, or are we going to take TRUE local control of the education that CUSD provides for our Coronado youth? The answer for me is a no-brainer! The simple fact is that families (including this family) move to Coronado so that their children can attend our excellent schools. Is settling for “average school” quality what WE want for OUR town? I think not. Fortunately, we have Proposition E on our local ballot this June, which, if approved by the voters, will provide PROTECTED funds that STAY LOCAL right here in Coronado. Let’s stand together and take this opportunity to protect and preserve the excellent education currently provided by our schools.

Excellent schools contribute to excellent communities! I urge you all to please join me in voting YES on Prop E!


Emily Bosworth
Coronado Homeowner & CUSD parent

Related stories: Prop E


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