"The Croods", the latest animated release from DreamWorks Animation is an adventure for movie viewers of all ages. Our children, ages 14, 12 and 10 all enjoyed the movie, as did we. Seeing...
Celebrating Coronado History at the Second Annual Gala Benefit for the Coronado Historical Association. http://www.CoronadoHistory.org
I first traveled to Coronado when I was just a bun in my mother's oven. Since that first visit, my family and I have been vacationing to this beautiful town annually for the Fourth of July celebration. We...
Coronado Island Marriott Resort - Feb. 23, 2013 "Celebrating Coronado History" with the Second Annual Gala to benefit the Coronado Historical Association. http://www.CoronadoHistory.org Thank you Coronado Historical Association for creating this WONDERFUL Event! Produced...
Veloce Motors Grand Opening of The Vault Auto Storage on March 23, 2013.The Vault, San Diego's Coolest New Auto Storage. Owners Brian Miller and Justin Glad On Saturday Veloce Motors, located here in Coronado at the...
Five month old Viggo at Coronado dog beach!
Ceramic bowls handcrafted by CHS students at last year's event. Save the date for Coronado High School's seventh annual Empty Bowls fundraiser! On April 18th at 5pm in the CHS Multipurpose Room, ceramics students will be selling soup...
Elba Esther Gordillo's upscale Coronado getaway was hardly a secret. The location of the Mexican labor leader's southern California residence for years was known to friends and foes alike. But now the six-bedroom house in Coronado Cays sits unoccupied,...
On March 22nd, Coronado High School junior Keelin Shaughnessy was elected as Associated Student Body (ASB) President for the 2013-2014 school year. Get to know Keelin better by reading the highlights of my interview with her below! What...