Imagine: Tent City – Mural at the Coronado Promenade
Artist Todd Stands created "Imagine: Tent City" at the Promenade. It's located just south of the Coronado Boathouse restaurant along the Marina. The images...
Coronado Bay Picnic
Over by the Coronado Yacht Club, there is a public area with a great view. We biked to La Salsa for our food and...
Imagine: Tent City – Mural at the Coronado Promenade
Artist Todd Stands created "Imagine: Tent City" at the Promenade. It's located just south of the Coronado Boathouse restaurant along the Marina. The images...
Imagine: Tent City – Mural at the Coronado Promenade
Artist Todd Stands created "Imagine: Tent City" at the Promenade. It's located just south of the Coronado Boathouse restaurant along the Marina. The images...
Coloring Contest Winner – Fire Dept. Open House
Congrats to Ellie for placing in the 1st grade division. Way to go!
Coronado School of the Arts presents “Zombie Prom”
Coronado School of the Arts presents "Zombie Prom" Zombies Have Feelings Too What do zombies wear to prom? Find out at Coronado... Fan & California T-Wall
California T-Wall on FOB Warrior Kirkuk Iraq 3 Oct 2009 - Pointing to Coronado Island