Live Music at Beach & Taco Shack, Hotel Del
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Fresh produce, locally-grown, right off the farmers' trucks Coronado Farmers' Market is one of the longest running farmers' markets in San Diego County. Farmers come from all over San Diego County to sell their fresh produce at the Coronado market. Find us at First and B on Tuesday afternoons. Get regular updates on what's in […]
Tuesday, May 17th, 2022 • 6:30 pm-8:00 pm • Coronado Library Winn Room In partnership with the Coronado Public Library, join Safe Harbor Coronado for a follow-up to "The Weight of Gold" panel discussion. We will be diving deeper into the unique challenges and pressures of student-athletes. Our speaker, Jason Richardson, MBA, PsyD is a […]
Traditional Curbside Collection on Regularly Scheduled Residential Service Day: May 16 – 20, 2022 EDCO’s Coronado Community Cleanup Event gives residents an opportunity to place unwanted bulky items curbside that are too large or heavy to put inside collection carts, such as broken appliances, water heaters, furniture, old mattresses (please wrap mattresses prior to setting […]
The Coronado community is hosting a blood drive with the San Diego Blood Bank on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 from 9 AM to 3 PM at 1000 Orange Avenue. Anyone 17 and older, who weighs at least 114 pounds and is in good health may be eligible to donate blood. A good meal and plenty […]
Come to the Library's Winn Room for an afternoon of giant games and regular-sized grub. This event is for teens in grades 6-12. We are allowed back inside so we can have VIDEO GAMES again!
Coronado Public Library, in partnership with the Coronado Island Film Festival, presents FILM FORUM CORONADO, taking place the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6 pm in the library's Winn Room. Film expert Ralph DeLauro provides a brief introduction to each film and leads a discussion afterwards, often including pointers about how lighting […]
Million Dollar Quartet: Johnny Cash, Elvis Presley, Carl Perkins, Jerry Lee Lewis On December 4, 1956 these four musical legends met at Sam Phillips' Sun Records studio in Memphis to share songs and record together for the first and only time. This smash musical hit is a fascinating look at that night and how they […]
Traditional Curbside Collection on Regularly Scheduled Residential Service Day: May 16 – 20, 2022 EDCO’s Coronado Community Cleanup Event gives residents an opportunity to place unwanted bulky items curbside that are too large or heavy to put inside collection carts, such as broken appliances, water heaters, furniture, old mattresses (please wrap mattresses prior to setting […]